Jl. Raya Rancaekek-Majalaya No. 389. kab.Bandung, Jawa Barat 62 - 22 - 85964868/69


PT.Braga Texchem Industry was found in May, 2011. We produce textile chemicals like an acrylicsizing agent, acrylic emulsion binder, and other auxiliaries for textile finishing/technologi from KOREA. We have emulsion binder for construction site,  paper coating, Wood Adhesives and water base PSA as our developing items.

PT.Braga Texchem Industry likes to grow up within continuous development of fundamental technologies in order to give satisfactory products to our customers.


Greensize 100 adalah water soluble (water base, water dispersible) polyester resin

Teknologi pembuatan obat sizing yang didukung oleh teknologi dari China. Sebagai solusi untuk mengatasi kenaikan harga obat sizing saat ini, yang di dapat dari teknologi ini adalah HARGA BERSAING dan RAMAH LINGKUNGAN.